


Network Externalities Effects on Consumer Purchase Decisions: Subject Network Knowledge Influence




葉淑瑜(Shu-Yu Yeh)


網路外部性 ; 網路知識 ; 知識移轉 ; network externalities ; network knowledge ; knowledge transfer




24卷1期(2005 / 01 / 01)


1 - 27




很少文獻以消費者採用決策的心理過程(psychological processes),分析具有網路特性的新產品。本研究採用移轉類推的脈絡(context of analogies),用以證明網路外部性及消費者的主觀網路知識,影響消費者的決策。本文藉由實驗設計,證明了系統性產品,因屬性的改良或重新組合,形成不同程度的網路外部性,使消費者感受不同程度的創新,消費者再經由對創新的理解及感知創新的利益,影響系統性產品的偏好。特別是消費者的主觀網路知識,降低消費者對創新的理解,及感知創新所帶來的利益,進而降低系統性產品的偏好。


Although diffusion models have been successfully used to predict the adoption patterns of new products and technologies, little research has examined the psychological processes underlying the individual consumers adoption decision to new products with network externalities. This paper studied network externalities, which increased perceived innovation, comprehensive and perceived advantage, and influenced the consumer adoptions preference. This paper also uses the knowledge transfer paradigm, studied often in the context of analogies, to demonstrate that subject network knowledge are major factors influencing the consumers adoption process. In the experiments, this study demonstrates that the relationship between subject network knowledge and adoption process. Specifically, this paper's findings indicate that subject network knowledge reduces comprehension, benefits, and therefore lower preferences for innovations resulting from network externalities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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