


The Strategic Interaction between Client-Risk Screening and Audit Effort




戚務君(Wu-Chun Chi)


查核努力 ; 客戶篩選 ; 保險角色 ; 訴訟風險管理 ; Audit Effort ; Client-Risk Screening ; Insurance Role ; Litigation




24卷1期(2005 / 01 / 01)


109 - 132






This paper examines an audit setting in which the auditor sequentially determines the client-risk screening investment and his effort level. I investigate the impact of auditor's litigation cost on audit effort when the auditor screens the client risks before the acceptance of audit engagement. While prior analytical research demonstrated that audit efforts increase with the size of damage award, however, this paper reaches an opposite linkage under certain conditions. In particular, the inverse relation can exist when the discrepancy of the auditor's posterior beliefs on the risk of clients is sensitive to the quality of the client-risk screening. After incorporating the auditor's screening decision, I believe some prior arguments on auditor's behavior that are based on the positive relation between the auditor litigation and the audit effort involved might need to be reappraised under certain circumstances.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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