


The Impacts of Technology-Based and Interpersonal-Based Service Encounter on Relationship Benefits




方世榮(Shyh-Rong Fang);許秋萍(Chiu-Ping Hsu)


服務接觸 ; 關係利益 ; 關係傾向 ; 科技傾向 ; 科技準備度 ; 科技焦慮度 ; service encounter ; relationship benefit ; relationship proneness ; technology proneness ; technology readiness ; technology anxiety




24卷2期(2005 / 04 / 01)


53 - 76






We find that the literatures of service encounters mostly focused on the impact of interpersonal-based service encounters on service quality. Recently, there are much more researches on technology services. Yet, there has been extremely little academic research comparing the influences of the interpersonal-based service encounter and the technology-based service encounter on relationship benefits. In this study, we use banking industry and hotel industry as the samples to examine the influences of these two types service encounters on relationship benefits. Furthermore, we examine the moderator effect of customer relationship proneness and customer acceptance of technology proneness. The outcomes are as the following: (a) The customer relationship benefits increase when the level of interpersonal-based service encounter is higher. (b) The special treatment benefit and confidence benefit increase when the level of technology-based service encounter is higher; meanwhile, the social benefit decrease. (c) Customers with higher relationship proneness can receive higher relationship benefits in high level of interpersonal-based service encounter. (d) Customers with higher technology proneness can receive higher relationship benefits in high level of technology-based service encounter.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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