


Management Turnover and Shareholder Wealth Effect




黃旭輝(Hsu-Huei Huang)


經理人異動 ; 代理問題 ; 公司治理 ; 資訊不對稱 ; management turnover ; agency problem ; corporate governance ; information asymmetry




25卷1期(2006 / 01 / 01)


23 - 45






Separation of management and ownership, managers could pursue their private benefit at the expense of shareholders. How to mitigate the negative effect on owners due to agency problem is a central issue in financial literature. We study the impacts of CEO turnover on shareholder wealth, our sample includes 186 event companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange during 1996-2002. The results show that (1) forced CEO turnover is associated with worse prior performance and significantly positive announcement effect, and voluntary CEO turnover is opposite, (2) firms with worse performance, higher information asymmetry, and more QFII stockholding would get better announcement effect, (3) companies with higher information asymmetry, and more QFII stockholding incurring forced turnover would be accompanied with higher announcement effect, (4) forced CEO turnover of non-family business is related to prior bad performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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