


A Research of Applying Quality Function Deployment for Market Segmentation in Cash Card




劉明德(Ming-Te Liu)


品質機能展開 ; 市場區隔 ; 現金卡 ; 品質屋 ; Quality Function Deployment ; QFD ; Market Segmentation ; Cash Card ; House of Quality




25卷3期(2006 / 07 / 01)


17 - 39




近年來,國內現金卡發行數量與預借現金金額雙雙大幅成長,發卡銀行均思索如何透過有效的經營策略,增加卡片附加價值及提高動用率來贏取競爭優勢。本研究嘗試透過問卷調查與分析取得品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)的顧客需求因素及銀行業者經營策略,提供銀行業者將消費者的服務品質需求因素轉變為經營策略,促使現金卡發卡銀行依據市場區隔來發展經營策略。 研究結果證實藉由市場問卷調查與分析,確認顧客需求因素及業者經營策略,並考量業者經營策略間及顧客需求因素與業者經營策間之相關性所建立與設計的品質機能展開,可以有效進行市場區隔分析,產生不同的經營策略排序。銀行業者可以根據不同排序結果及目標市場選擇,進一步規劃差異化的經營策略,使銀行業者在現金卡的行銷與經營上獲取更多的競爭優勢。


Both the volume of cash card and the loan amount borrowed through the cash cards has substantially increased in recent years. Banks are thinking how to be more competitive by means of effective management strategy, adding value to cash cards, increasing utilization rate, etc. Through questionnaire survey and analysis, this research aims to obtain the factors of customers' demands that can be used for Quality Function Deployment (”QFD”). After that, banks can turn the factors of customers' demands regarding service quality into effective management strategy according to market segmentation. The result of this research proves that market segmentation can be well analyzed and priorities of different banks can be found by means of the above-mentioned questionnaire survey, analysis, and QFD regarding management strategy, factors of customers' demands and their correlation. Banks can differentiate their management strategy to gain more competitive advantages in cash card marketing and management according to the said market segmentation analysis and the selected target market.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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