


The Relationship between Human Resource Management Systems, Innovation and Firms' Economic Value Added




楊朝旭(Chaur-Shiuh Young);蔡柳卿(Liu-Ching Tsai)


人力資源管理系統 ; 智慧資本 ; 創新 ; 經濟附加價值 ; Human resource management system ; Intellectual capital ; Innovation ; Economic value added




25卷3期(2006 / 07 / 01)


41 - 68




知識經濟時代下,許多學者已開始注意人力資源管理(HRM)系統需要改造,以因應漸趨複雜及變動的環境。過去的策略性HRM文獻指出,HRM活動可以為組織創造競爭優勢,進而增加企業價值或績效。然而目前學術界對於HRM系統到底如何幫助組織創造競爭優勢,仍所知有限。有鑑於此,本研究旨在將創新視為HRM系統與組織績效間的中介變項,探討HRM系統是否有助提昇公司的創新,進而增加公司的經濟附加價值。利用122份針對台灣上市公司所蒐集的問卷資料,採用迴歸及路徑分析(path analysis)進行分析後,發現當公司的HRM系統越接近智慧資本提昇系統,其組織創新越高,進而創造較高的經濟附加價值。本研究之分析結果有助於瞭解HRM系統係如何驅動組織績效,同時對於實務界如何設計支持智慧資本發展之人力資源管理系統,應具有參考價值。


As prior strategic human resource management (henceforth, ”HRM”) studies have pointed out, the HRM activities can add value through competitive advantage to their organization. But little is known about the way that HRM systems create competitive advantage. As such, the goal of the analysis is to introduce innovation as an intermediary variable between HRM systems and organizational performance, and investigate how HRM systems can add value through increases in innovation. Using data from a survey of 122 Taiwanese listed firms, the study used regression and path analyses to examine the specific relationships between HRM systems, innovation and Economic Value Added (EVA). Results demonstrate that innovation is a significant intermediate construct between HRM systems and organizational performance, and thus this study helps us better understand how HRM systems drive corporate value through innovation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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