


Constructing the Integrative Service Model to Formulate the Service Marketing Strategies




劉鈞憲(Chun-Hsien Liu);王居卿(Chu-Ching Wang)


服務分類 ; 整合型服務模式 ; 行銷策略 ; 動態機制 ; 資源基礎說 ; 作業流程 ; Service Classification ; Integrative service model ; Marketing strategy ; Dynamic mechanism ; Resource-based view ; Operation process




28卷3期(2009 / 07 / 01)


43 - 65




本研究利用Greig (2003)之分類三項要件(即內容、流程與環境)與5W(What, Why, How, Where, When),結合前人所發展之3P+C服務分類模式(Provider, Process, Place, Customer)之四個服務分類 構面(service classifying dimensions)及12屬性作爲發展基礎,建構出以作業構面爲基本分析單位、且同時考慮顧客及業者觀點之整合型服務模式(integrative service model),並據之以訂定行銷策略。然此種訂定行銷策略之過程究竟爲一種靜態之模態(Static Mode),爲使所訂定之行銷策略能隨外在環境之變遷而調整,本研究再加上第四要件時間,利用3P+C 模式之回饋構面產生動態機制(dynamism),賦於該模式動態之生命,使所訂定之行銷策略一直能產生高顧客滿意度,同時亦兼顧業者之資源與能力。


This paper uses Greig's (2003) three classifying criteria (content, process and context) and 5W (What, Why, How, Where, When) to combine the 4 service classifying dimensions and the associated 12 attributes of the 3P+C service classification model developed in the previous research to construct 4 operational dimensions. An integrative service model is constructed from customer and provider perspectives by combining the operational dimensions of the core services of a service firm. The marketing strategies are formulated based on the integrative model, which is a static mode at a cross-section of time. To adapt the formulated strategy to the changing environment, we have to update the strategy from time to time. We use the 4th criteria ”temporal”, which is the feedback dimension of the 3P+C model, to provide the dynamism to the model. With such dynamic mechanism, the strategies formulated based on our model are able to always generate high customer satisfaction, while meantime considering the provider's resources and capability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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