


Re-examining Customer Satisfaction with Retailers: Differences between Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value




黃明新(Min-Hsin Huang);黃麗君(Li-Jiun Huang)


滿意度 ; 享樂型購物價值 ; 功能型購物價值 ; Satisfaction ; Hedonic Shopping Value ; Utilitarian Shopping Value




30卷1期(2011 / 01 / 01)


59 - 76






Satisfaction continues to be an important measure of performance and retailing business success. This study compares the impacts of hedonic versus utilitarian shopping value of customers on satisfaction with the retailer. A conceptual framework of this study is proposed that considers repatronage intensions, loyalty and positive word of mouth as a consequence, and store atmospheres, assortments and salesperson performances as an antecedent of, satisfaction with the retailer. Nested structural equation modeling techniques are applied to data collected from customers in retail store to test the framework. Results of this study indicate that store atmosphere, product assortment and salesperson service affect satisfaction of hedonic shopping value more strongly than utilitarian shopping value. In addition, satisfactions affect hedonic consumers' repatronage intention, loyalty and positive word of mouth more strongly than utilitarian consumers'. The implications for retailing research and practice are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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