


Relationships among Positive, Negative Effect and Competitive Efficiency on the Infringement Notice of Intellectual Property Rights: The Moderating Role of Categories of Intellectual Property Rights




施錦村(Chin-Tsun Shih)


智慧財產權 ; 警告函 ; 競爭效能 ; 競爭效應 ; Intellectual Property Rights ; Infringement Notice ; Competitive Efficiency ; Competitive Effect




30卷2期(2011 / 04 / 01)


97 - 116






This paper aims to validate the relationships among positive, negative effect and competitive efficiency on the infringement notice of intellectual property, and the moderating role of categories to competitive efficiency. The study is different from previous related documents of intellectual property and competitive law, which were concerned only with law relationships. A research sample of 177 cases, from 1995 to 2009, is sourced from the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission, and statistical analysis is conducted for validation. The results confirm that a positive structural coefficient of the empirical model is superior to the negative coefficient. Also, the different categories of property rights tend to produce different competitive efficiencies, namely, a trademark, a copyright, and a patent. The findings can provide references to business and authorities of competition law for handling similar cases.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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