


Intergenerational Influences on the Consumer Preferences of Female Undergraduates: Consumer Socialization and Brand Equity




黃佑安(Yu-An Huang);董美戀(Mei-Lien Tung)


世代影響 ; 世代溝通 ; 品牌意識 ; 品牌忠誠 ; 外表虛榮 ; Intergenerational Influences ; Intergenerational Communication ; Brand Consciousness ; Brand Loyalty ; Physical Vanity




30卷2期(2011 / 04 / 01)


21 - 49




近年來,世代影響受到消費者社會化研究領域的重視,Moore, Wilkie, and Lutz(2002)、Cotte andWood(2004)與Mandrik, Fern, and Bao(2005)等人的研究皆發現世代影響對年輕女性消費的品牌偏好有顯著影響。本研究則接續上列諸研究,對台灣的年輕女性消費者是否會傳承上一代母親的消費態度與行為作進一步審視。本研究根據消費者社會化與品牌權益理論,提出一個世代影響整合模式,將世代影響與母女的品牌偏好態度分為二組層次:母女間特質影響層次與母女間品牌偏好影響層次。透過對中部地區大專院校外宿女學生的問卷調查,採取母女對偶分析方法,回收有效問卷計257對。本研究進一步以結構方程模式分析對偶回卷,初步證實世代影響整合模式的可行性,並發現母女的世代溝通、母女的品牌意識、母女的品牌忠誠、母女的外表虛榮,這些特質是有傳承關係的,亦即是,母親的這些消費特質越強,女兒也可能有較強烈的相對應特質。本研究進一步發現,母女間的這些特質強度,對於母女間的品牌偏好皆同與品牌偏好皆不固定兩種態度類型各自產生相當程度的影響關係;其中以,母女的世代溝通強度與母女的品牌忠誠強度傳承關係對母女間的品牌偏好皆同有最明顯的影響關係。研究意涵建議廠商如能善用世代影響現象,可在維持既有客源時兼有開發新顧客的功效。


In today's competitive battleground, attracting the brand preference between intergenerational transmissions remains as the most critical but yet elusive agenda for all marketers. However, to date relevant marketing literature continues to overlook how intergenerational influences can have impacts on purchase behavior. This research reports the integrated model of intergenerational influences on brand preference of mother-daughter dyads that shows four consumer characteristics suggested in past research to affect intergenerational product and brand preference: intergenerational communication, brand consciousness, brand loyalty, and physical vanity. Here the study uses a parallel survey of 257 mother-daughter dyads to quantify intergenerational impact on both daughter's consumer characteristics and brand preference of mother-daughter dyads. We find that our integrated model is workable. Results also indicate that intergenerational influences are positively related to daughter's consumer characteristics, whereas daughter's brand preference is partially similar with mother's one. Especially, the impact of mother-daughter dyads on both intergenerational communication and brand loyalty has a significant effect on brand preference of mother-daughter dyads. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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