


Determinants of Viewing Behavior: A Study on JapaneseFashion Magazine Readers




楊喻婷(Yu-Ting Yang);盧鴻毅(Hung-Yi Lu);侯心雅(Hsin-Ya Hou)


期望與評價 ; 態度 ; 社會規範 ; 喜愛 ; 流行時尚感 ; Expectancy and Evaluation ; Attitude ; Subjective Norms ; Appreciation ; Perception of Fashion




31卷1期(2012 / 01 / 01)


45 - 63






This study aims to examine determinants of viewing behavior of Japanese fashion magazines among Taiwanese female college students. Using a multistage cluster sampling plan, respondents were drawn from ten colleges randomly selected from a pool of 156 colleges/universities in Taiwan. Six hundred and twenty female college students successfully completed the questionnaire. The results show that expectancy-value of characteristics of Japanese fashion magazines, attitude toward viewing Japanese fashion magazines, subjective norms, appreciation of Japanese fashion, and perceptions of Japanese fashion significantly predict viewing behavior of Japanese fashion magazines, respectively. This study also suggests that determinants of viewing behavior related to Japanese fashion magazines of different generations needs to be investigated in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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