


How Collaborations Increase the Purchase Intention for Brand Communities: The Moderating Effects of Consumer's Habits




葉淑瑜(Shu-Yu Yeh)


合作機制 ; 品牌社群成員間互動 ; 品牌關係品質 ; 品牌的購買意圖及消費者特性 ; Collaboration ; Members' Social Interactions ; Brand Relationship Quality ; Purchase Intention and Customers' Habits




32卷3期(2013 / 07 / 01)


73 - 100+137-142






For the concept of producer-user collaboration, our study first derives the scale of attributes for brand community which embeds the users' activities into its development. We use five steps to create and validate those scales in collaboration, and 16-item attributes are categorized into independent and unique subscales, as shown by its dynamic customized, digital content (encompassing security and safety), as well as interactive and complementary externality-sensitive attributes. Using those items to value the performance of brand community, the structural model employed 288 users to also show the performance by collaborative success, which ultimately entailed increased purchase intentions, due to greater social interaction and brand relationship quality. Through regression analysis, we show that the users' shared habits mostly strengthen the effect of attributes on purchase intentions. The implications present what key attributes the firm must design and release to embed the users' activities into the development of brand community.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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