


The Impact of Negative Double Jeopardy Effect on Co-brand Evaluation and Buying Intention




蕭至惠(Chih-Hui Hsiao);蔡進發(Chin-Fa Tsai)


負面雙重危機效應 ; 共品牌總體知覺 ; 共品牌評價 ; 共品牌購買意願 ; Negative Double Jeopardy Effect ; Overall Co-brand Perception ; Co-brand Evaluation ; Co-brand Purchase Intention




33卷1期(2014 / 01 / 01)


39 - 68+117-123




本研究延續Kucuk(2008)的負面雙重危機(Negative Double Jeopardy,NDJ)概念,並將之應用在共品牌經營的風險議題上,探討當夥伴品牌在反品牌網站中遭逢NDJ效應時,對共品牌評價和共品牌購買意願的影響?以及此一影響過程中,共品牌總體知覺和共品牌評價這兩個變數是否具有干擾效果?本研究採用受試者間實驗設計(between-subjects design),並以虛擬的反品牌網站來進行實驗,接著將募集的216位受試者隨機分派於不同的實驗情境中,並以單因子雙共變量共變數分析、迴歸分析與雙因子雙共變量共變數分析進行假說的驗證。主要研究結果如下:(1)當夥伴品牌遭逢NDJ效應時,將會對共品牌評價與共品牌購買意願帶來負面影響;(2)夥伴品牌的NDJ效應與共品牌總體知覺對共品牌評價的影響具有交互作用。當消費者對共品牌總體知覺高時,NDJ效應並不會影響消費者對共品牌的評價;反之,當消費者對共品牌總體知覺低時,NDJ效應將會顯著地降低消費者對共品牌的評價。(3)夥伴品牌的NDJ效應與共品牌評價對共品牌購買意願的影響具有交互作用。當消費者對共品牌的評價高時,NDJ效應並不會影響消費者對共品牌的購買意願;反之,當消費者對共品牌的評價低時,NDJ效應將會顯著地降低消費者對共品牌的購買意願。


Using Kucuk's (2008) network NDJ (Negative Double Jeopardy) effect, we aimed to examine: (1) Whether the NDJ effect on the anti-brand website partner brand encountered will affect co-brand evaluation and co-brand purchase intention. (2) Whether overall co-brand perception and co-brand evaluation will play a moderator role in the impact process. The study constructed virtual anti-brand website and between-subjects experimental design was adopted, and then 216 subjects were randomly distributed to different experimental situations. Owo-way ANCOVA, regression analysis and two-way ANCOVA were adopted in this study. The experimental results were as follows: (1) The NDJ effect partner brand encountered on the anti-brand website had a negative impact on co-brand evaluation and co-brand purchase intention. (2) There was an interaction between NDJ effect of partner brand and overall co-brand perception when examining their influences on co-brand evaluation. In the situation of high overall co-brand perception, NDJ effect will not affect consumers' co-brand evaluation. While in the situation of low overall co-brand perception, NDJ effect will significantly lower consumers' co-brand evaluation. (3) There was an interaction between NDJ effect of partner brand and co-brand evaluation when examining their influences on co-brand purchase intention. In the situation of high co-brand evaluation, NDJ effect will not affect consumers' purchase intention of co-brand. While in the situation of low co-brand evaluation, NDJ effect will significantly lower consumers' purchase intention of co-brand.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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