


An Exploratory Study of Constructing Moderation Mechanisms of Business Failure and Resilience for Entrepreneur




陳悅琴(Yueh-Chin Chen);蔡明宏(Ming-Hong William Tsai);林明杰(Ming-Ji James Lin)


創業失敗 ; 復原力 ; 自我效能 ; 內在動機 ; business failure ; resilience ; self-efficacy ; intrinsic motivation




33卷3期(2014 / 07 / 01)


71 - 92+127-131






This study mainly explore and discuss how entrepreneurs experiencing business failures (or crucible) could resilience and bounce back from the negative event. In the traditional stream for entrepreneur research, studies mostly focus on the successful entrepreneurs, analyzing from personality or business operation performance perspectives on how they could succeed, or they often focus on how entrepreneurs avoid failures. Few studies draw their attention to the processes and progress how entrepreneurs bounce back after failures/crucible. Researcher set out to fill this gap in research by investigating the following imperatives, including: how failed entrepreneur react to failure; how entrepreneur break away from demoralized states, convalesce and build confidence, and could exploit to create new business life. This study adopts case research method, searching suitable cases from multiple sources. Grounded theory approach is conducted, while we write scripts, code and propose axis concept and mainly axis thread. Then, researcher tries to build theory and propositions from those processes and data. This study expect contributions to the academia and practice by constructing entrepreneurial moderation mechanisms for resilience to fill the gap of the extant study on entrepreneur, and building a framework for entrepreneurs' resilience processes to enhance the knowledge and decisional bases for entrepreneurs when they face severe business failure.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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