
Medical Service Experience Model for Medical Cosmetology






蘇子炘(Tzu-Hsin Su)


Medical Service Experience Model (MSEM) ; Medical Cosmetology ; Structural Equation Modeling




35卷3期(2016 / 07 / 01)


153 - 171




With the implementation of the Nation Health Insurance in 1995, all levels of medical institutes were influenced by the constraint of government budget that resulted in a high degree market orientation. Also, medical cosmetology had grown up very fast during these years. Because medical cosmetology is mostly consumer's initiative, the importance of medical service experience must be particularly emphasized. The purposes of this research include: (1) to discuss the relationships among consumer experiences, experiential value and experiential behavior; (2) to build Medical Service Experience Model (MSEM) for medical cosmetology. We used purposed sampling to interview 1040 samples with medical cosmetology experience and used structural equation modeling to analyze data. The results showed that Medical Service Experience Model (MSEM) could explain the relationships among consumer experiences, experiential value and experiential behavior more completely. In practice, this study can help medical institutions with medical cosmetology services understanding consumers' whole feels and use appropriate marketing tools to enhance consumer experiences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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