


A Dynamic Examination of Customer Relationship in Retailing




黃明新(Min-Hsin Huang);鄭兆宏(Zhao-Hong Cheng);蘇香樺(Hsiang-Hua Su)


關係動態理論 ; 信任 ; 承諾 ; 變動速率 ; 潛在成長曲線模型 ; Relationship Dynamics Theory ; Trust ; Commitment ; Relationship Velocity ; Latent Growth Curve Model




36卷1期(2017 / 01 / 01)


1 - 21




儘管過去文獻指出顧客關係會隨時間而變動,大多數實證研究仍採一次性構念測量作法驗證理論模型,因此,本研究整合承諾—信任理論與關係動態理論,提出信任與承諾變動速率概念,並驗證關係變動速率如何影響顧客忠誠度,藉由潛在成長模型分析326 筆零售服務業顧客追蹤資料,本研究發現信任與承諾隨時間之變動速率皆正向影響顧客忠誠度,而關係投資能加速關係構念之成長。研究結果除了深化關係行銷理論外,亦提供行銷經理人重要實務意涵。


Although previous literature has suggested that the relationship between a company and its customers should change over time, most empirical studies still examine the theoretical model by using the level of relational constructs measured at a specific time point. Based on commitment-trust theory and relationship dynamics theory, this study proposes the concepts of trust velocity and commitment velocity, and examines how relationship velocity influences customer loyalty. Using the latent growth curve model to analyze the longitudinal data of 326 customers in a retail service context, we find that both trust velocity and commitment velocity positively affect customer loyalty. We also find that investing in the relationship has a positive influence on relationship velocity. Our findings extend the extant knowledge of relationship marketing theories, and provide several important implications for marketing managers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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