


Restructuring the Manufacturing Industry during the Industry 4.0 Transition




郭楚其(Chu-Chi Kuo);徐作聖(Joseph Z. Shyu)


工業4.0 ; 政策分析模式 ; 產業轉型升級 ; 產業創新需求要素 ; Industry 4.0 ; Policy Analysis Model ; Industry Revitalization ; Industrial Innovation Resources




37卷3期(2018 / 07 / 01)


1 - 13




工業4.0技術的擴散改變了主要產業的結構,成為產業轉型升級和發展的核心主題。德國政府的「工業4.0」計畫(The Industrie 4.0 Working Group 2013),基於物理資訊系統和物聯網全面部署。美國「先進製造夥伴計畫」(President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology 2011)、「中國製造2025」(National Manufacturing Strategy Advisory Committee 2015)、臺灣「生產力4.0」(行政院科技辦公室2015)也相繼被提出。本研究以政策分析模式為基礎,建構工業4.0下製造業之轉型競爭策略,以工業4.0下製造業之轉型政策目標與製造業產業領先條件為研究之區隔變數,分析德國、美國、中國及臺灣在工業4.0下製造業之轉型政策目標定位,並根據工業4.0下製造業產業創新需求要素及製造業專家的意見調查,整理分析歸納出工業4.0下製造業的關鍵成功要素及各國目前發展工業4.0下製造業的創新策略,協助政府在發展工業4.0下製造業之政策參考。初步結果顯示,德國政策以經濟發展、科技發展及社會發展為主軸,工業4.0下製造業領先條件為國家層級、產業層級及企業層級;美國政策以經濟發展與科技發展為主,而工業4.0下製造業產業領先條件為產業層級及企業層級;中國政策重點在政治發展、經濟發展、科技發展及社會發展為主,工業4.0下製造業領先條件則重視於國家層級;臺灣政策以經濟發展與科技發展為主,而產業領先條件則為國家層級、產業層級及企業層級。


The proliferation of Industry 4.0 technology has changed the structure of major industries and has become the core tenet of industrial revitalization and improvement. Based on the comprehensive deployment of physical information systems and the Internet of Things, the German government's Industry 4.0 program employs a computerized, digitalized, and intelligence-optimized business operations model. Elsewhere, the Advanced Manufacturing Partner program of the United States, Made in China 2025, and Taiwan Productivity 4.0 are leading-edge manufacturing programs. Based on a policy analysis model, this study constructed a competitive strategy for the manufacturing industry to implement during the Industry 4.0 transition, and analyzed the revitalization policy objectives of the manufacturing industries of Germany, the United States, China, and Taiwan in light of the revitalization policy objectives of the manufacturing industry and locus of industrial leadership. Based on the survey of Industrial Innovation Resources under the Industry 4.0 transition and the views of manufacturing experts, this paper examines and summarizes the key success factors of the manufacturing industry and a country's manufacturing innovation strategy during the Industry 4.0 transition. These key success factors could serve as a reference to aid governments in the development of revitalization policies for the manufacturing industry. The preliminary results indicated that economic, technological, and social development are policy mainstays in Germany with the locus of industrial leadership at the national, industrial, and enterprise levels during the Industry 4.0 transition. Meanwhile, policy in the United States is centered on economic and technological development, and the locus of industrial leadership is at the industry and enterprise levels. China's policy focuses on political, economic, technological, and social development, and the locus of industrial leadership is at the national level. Finally, Taiwan bases its policy on economic and technological development, and the locus of industrial leadership is at the national, industrial, and enterprise levels.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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