


Out of Ressentiment and Into Empowerment: Nietzsche and the Labor Question




趙剛(Kang Chao)


妒恨 ; 培力 ; 尼采 ; 工運 ; 激進教育 ; 現代性 ; 個體性 ; ressentiment ; empowerment ; Nietzsche ; labor movement ; radical education ; modernity ; individuality




30期(1998 / 06 / 01)


117 - 161






This paper problematizes the prevailing instrumentalist conception of labor movement by bringing the labor question into the purview of empowerment politics. This paper holds that Nietzsche's critique of modernity should provide rich resources for labor movement to reflect upon its goals and means. An aesthetically mediated radical self-education project is vital for individual workers (and, for this matter, social movement participants) to break the institutionalized routines and the unreflected binding norms on which captialism and the power that be rely. Despite Nietzsche's downright contempt for the social-which is highly problematic too, the Nietzschean caveat is precisely the irreducibility of the individual to the soical.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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