


Marx under Ideology




于治中(Chih-Chung Yu)


馬克思 ; 意識形態 ; 基礎與上層建築 ; 價值 ; 體現 ; Marx ; Ideology ; Base and Superstructure ; Value ; Darstellung




33期(1999 / 03 / 01)


187 - 223






This paper proposes to clarify some fundamental concepts surrounding Marx's theory of ”idelolgy”. The analysis focuses on two major aspects of this theory: one is the concept of ”base and superstructure”, the other the theory of ”value” and its kernel, the concept of Darstellung. The former is one of the important parts of Marx's early theory of ”ideology”, whereas the latter constitutes the principal element of his later theory of fetishism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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