This paper attempts to apply a kind of aesthetics coined by Susan Sontag and John Berger to the social studies. What we used to call the method of observation is actually constituted of the act and the agent of looking, and, if understood critically, these elements will contribute differently to the formation of what is looked. The target of the present observation is a ritual called Jie-Qiao (”borrowing the body,” literally) often practiced by a sub-sect (called ”Fa-I-Chung-De”) of the I-Guan-Dao (The Unity Sect) in Taiwan. Before going into the field, these agents of observation are by themselves a starting point of the present problematics: In what sense can they be the critical observer? The author then shows how the observed scenes became theoretical (esp. theological) problems for the I-Guan-Dao as well as for whoever attending the ritual. For the religion, Jie-Qiao is meant to be a way of revelation, but through the methodic looking, one gets negative epiphany.
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