


'Dreams Come True'-Wedding Photography in Contemporary Taiwan




李玉瑛(Yu-Ying Lee)


婚紗照 ; 消費文化 ; 視覺消費 ; 社會實踐 ; 愉悅 ; Wedding photography ; consumer culture ; visual consumption ; social practice ; pleasure




36期(1999 / 12 / 01)


147 - 186




與其用法蘭克福學派清教徒的道德觀點來批評大衆消費文化,倒不如把它放在社會文化的脈絡中來仔細分析之。本文把台灣的婚紗照消費視為一種社會實踐的過程,顯示台灣的女性消費者在結構的因素之下,不能免俗的大都進入婚紗照消費的殿堂。無疑的,台灣的婚紗照的消費不是憑空而來的,它與台灣的社會文化是一脈相成的。婚紗照消費的文化延續了傳統女性「被看」的本質和女性被「以貌取人」的待遇。但是女性也並非完全被解構所決定,因為她們從婚紗照的社會實錢中真實的體驗世俗標凖的「美貌」轉變,因此也能夠破除美貌的迷思,而對自己的平凡泰然處之。 本文以深度訪談女性消費者的方式,試著為台灣婚紗照消費的文化提供具體的經驗分析。本文的結論是台灣的女性消費者挪用拍婚紗照的機會體驗千面女郎的造型,尤其是能夠穿上夢寐以求的「漂亮」禮服,裝扮自己的美貌;一方面滿足當最佳女主角的愉悅,一方面也揮霍了她們一生當中少有的機會被奉承,不論是被服務業者或是她們的丈夫們。雖然那是短暫的,但是「曾經擁有」似乎還是強過未曾擁有的遺憾。


This paper regards that the consumption practice of the wedding photography in contemporary Taiwan is a social practice. Although consumers are apt to be decided by the structure, they also can appropriate consumption for their own interests. Most Taiwanese women inevitably take the wedding photographs before the wedding ceremony, however, they also appropriate the chance of taking the wedding photographs to try on beautiful dresses to experience the transformation of socially constructed beauty. At the same time, they deconstruct the myth of beauty and realize that the so-called 'beauty' is fabricated. Furthermore, female consumers also experience pleasures in the course of taking the wedding photographs, for instance, gratifying women's vanity, experiencing the-queen-for-a-day, visualization of intimacy. Those experiences are transient indeed, however, it is worthwhile of having been. Nevertheless, the wedding photographs can be served as narcissistic use for female consumers all the time.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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