


The Hero and the Bandit: Narrative Identity in the Early Twentieth-Century Taiwan




方孝謙(Shiaw-Chian Fong)


敍事認同 ; 善書 ; 本島人 ; 李春生 ; 西來庵 ; narrative identity ; morality books ; hontojin ; Li Chuisheng ; Xilai Temple




37期(2000 / 03 / 01)


119 - 161






Studying the narratives concerning. Han-Taiwanese's identity in the early twentieth-century when they were under Japanese rule, we have two major findings. First, contemporary anthropologist, Kanori Ino's discourse on ”this-islanders” (hontojin) initiated a series of Japanese commentaries on Taiwanese ”bandits”, which stereotyped the bottom stratum of the Han-colonized. Secondly, after two decades of the colonial rule, what informed Han-Taiwanese of their fundamental identities were still the moral teachings of traditional China, specifically Mencius' doctrine of a ”real man” and an image of gentleman syncretized from the lessons of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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