


Globalization and the Future of Social Policy: Controversies over the German "New Middle"




孫治本(Chi-Pen Sun)


全球化 ; 社會正義 ; 社會福利 ; 跨國政治 ; 德國 ; 社會民主 ; globalization ; social justice ; social welfare ; transnational politics ; Germany ; social democracy




38期(2000 / 06 / 01)


91 - 132






Globalization causes the decline of functions of nation-state-although the declining of state's function is not equal to the declining of nationalism. The premises of a balance between capitalism and social justice, democracy and social policy, are still carried out in the frame of nation-state so far. With the declension of the nation-state in relation to transnational economic power, the foundation of democracy politics and social welfare is shaken by the economic globalization. Neo-liberalism-globalism thus claims the law of market should be the only law of social operating. Those who are against this kind of ”depolitical” trends try to re-regulate capitalism on the global scale through transnational cooperation, and make the states to response the no returning globalization trends through intra-national reform. Germany has a great interest in the establishment of transnational politics; but within the German socialdemocrats (SPD) there are conflicts between ”The New Middle”, which is close to neo-liberalism, and the left wing of the SPD, which is close to traditional socialdemocracy. The point of issue: how could the social justice be assured under trends of globalization?

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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