This paper provides some initial considerations of Japanese architecture and urbanism in colonial Taiwan. I argue that architecture and urbanism during Japanese occupation are a project of building colonial modernity; that is, modernity without subjectivity. First, I review colonial Taiwan's architecture and urbanism from the perspective of the third word history vis-à-vis that of the world history, with emphasis on the genealogy of the colonial architecture and urbanism in the late 18th and the 19th centuries. Second, through a comparative study with some recent research on British and French colonies, I will show not only the commonality of colonial architecture and urbanism among them but also the specificity of Japanese colony. Following that, a comparative study among different Japanese colonies, I will demonstrate further the specificities and the different destinies of those various places in the posts colonial period. My goals are to synthesize those common colonial experiences and to argue that the colonial modernity represented by the Japanese colonial architecture and urbanism Taiwan is a modernity from which the subject is absent. Based on that argument, I will formulate a critical modernity and suggest that the others' histories be rewritten through questioning the centrality and uniqueness of Europe/Japan. Finally, I propose that a reflexive project of self-identity is a necessary condition for a historical sense of subjectivity reconstitution. That historical sense is crucial for making history and practice as well as for a vision of the cities and architecture of tomorrow. The histories of building colonial modernity, therefore, have to be rewritten in the form of on-going historical dialogue.
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