


The Visible Religion: Social Differentiation and Religious Ferment in Modern Taiwan




丁仁傑(Jen-Chieh Ting)


新興宗教 ; 新興宗教運動 ; 台灣宗教 ; 社會分化 ; 世俗化 ; 私人化 ; New Religion ; New Religious Movements ; Taiwanese Religions ; Social Differentiation ; Secularization, Privatization




41期(2001 / 03 / 01)


205 - 270






This paper offers a general framework for the study of new religions in modern Taiwan. Based upon the concept of ”social differentiation” and the examination of changes in position in social structure, it is pointed out that in terms of the dimension of institutional change, the forms of religion in Taiwan can be characterized as having progressed from the previous ”invisible” to the current ”visible” form. In this paper, a characterization of the three types of religions in modern Taiwan are explained as: 1. residues of patriarchal religions; 2. substitutes for core religions; and 3. an expansion of peripheral religions. Clearly, it is the latter that has made most religions sharply more visible in modern Taiwan. The characteristics of the new religions in Taiwan are distinct from those in the West and in Japan. Finally, we discuss how the theories of secularization and privatization can or cannot be applied to the present situation in Taiwan today, and why the theories of new religions in modern-day Taiwan, as proposed by other researchers, have failed to provide a satisfactory explanation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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