


Knowing Taiwan: Knowledge, Power and the Japanese Colonial Governmentality of Taiwan




姚人多(Jen-To Yao)


殖民主義 ; 殖民知識 ; 規訓權力 ; 治理性 ; 地圖 ; 人口普查 ; 統計 ; 數字 ; 傳科 ; 生物政治 ; 薩伊德 ; 東方主義 ; 再現 ; colonialism ; colonial knowledge ; disciplinary power ; governmentality ; map ; census ; statistics ; number ; Foucault ; biology politics ; Said ; Orientalism ; representation




42期(2001 / 06 / 01)


119 - 182






Had the colonized been correctly represented n the colonial knowledge and discourse? Since Said's Orientalism, all the Issues concerning colonialism have more or less revolved around this question. This paper, arguing the colonial knowledge in Taiwan, is no exception. We will begin with a simple question: what is colonial knowledge? Is it nothing more than construction of the colonized as an Other? Is it a systematic distortion of what the colonized really is? The answers we want to offer are negative. In fact, we believe, these kinds of argument are derived from a misjudgment of the nature of colonial power. In this paper, we will bring the land survey and census both launched by the Japanese government into spotlight. Far from being a detailed history of these two surveys, what we are going to do here is mainly to find out the form of power and the political rationality behind them. In other words, there surveys will be seen from the perspective of Foucault's idea on governmentality. In the maps produced in the process of land survey, we witnessed the accuracy and all-embracing nature of the colonial (disciplinary) knowledge: in the census, apart form the accuracy and detail-ness, we witnessed that the Japanese colonizer actually treated the Taiwanese as a population, which is indeed a sign of bio-political governmentality. In many respects, this paper is an attempt to apply Fouc-ault's theories to Taiwan. Not only do we want to explain what happened in colonial Taiwan differently, but we want to have same conversations with contemporary post-colonial theories. And this is exactly the reason why in this paper we constantly refer to the European colonialisms.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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