


Taiwanese Polarized Identities in the Early 1940s: An Analysis of the Islanders' Short Stories




方孝謙(Shiaw-Chian Fong)


喻格 ; 主要指涉 ; 次要指涉 ; 認同 ; 殘餘文化 ; identity ; primary referent ; residual culture ; secondary referent ; trope




42期(2001 / 06 / 01)


183 - 228




運用Hayden White喻格理論中「主要指涉」(敍事論述向外指向客觀世界)與「次要指涉」(敍事論述向內指向語言而賦予作者與讀者共享的感性與態度)我們分析日據後期(1931-1945)兩類台灣人小說:庶民與知青文本。在庶民小說方面,分析結果認爲即使在積極同化台灣人的所謂「皇民化運動」之下,工農婦女仍是以仇日及仇視一切剝削者,並藉助鄉土固有文化資源做爲認同的基礎。而在當時的知青小說方面,則顯示第二代受日式教育的台灣青年在既受排斥又不得不接受的情況下,沿著從「理性算計」到「神秘順從」的態度光譜,逐漸認同於日本人的「皇民意識」。知青的認同轉變,我們並佐以真人實事的葉盛吉的「雙鄉」認同來做對照。透過日據後期的庶民與知識青年呈現兩極認同的分析,本文旨在說明:「我是誰」的困惑要得到抒解(儘管通常只是暫時的開脫),固有的文化資源是不可或缺的支柱。


To analyze the sense of identity implied in Taiwanese short stories and novels written in the 1930s and the early 40s, we appeal to historian Hayden White's notions of ”primary” and ”secondary referent.” While the former means the reference of a discourse to the outer objective world, the latter means that to the inner emotions and attitudes shared by both narrator and his or her audience. By using the two notions, we conclude that, in the short stories concerning the masses, their identity appeared to be based on the resentment of the ”others,” meaning both colonial and capitalist exploiters who took advantage of labor and female bodies of the masses. In the stories concerning Taiwanese intelligentsia generated from the Japanese educational system, the elites revealed their differential degrees of identification with Japanese culture, ranging from an attitude of rational calculation to that of mysterious submission. Finally, we suggest that what Raymond Williams called the ”residual culture” is necessary for buttressing one's sense of identity in a situation such as the Japanese colonization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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