


The Theoretical and Practical Gap of Glocalizational Risk Delayed High-tech Risk Society




周桂田(Kuei-Tien Chou)


風險論述 ; 反基因科技 ; 風險運動 ; 鑲嵌 ; 特殊社會脈絡 ; 遲滯型高科技風險 ; risk discourse ; against genetic engineering ; risk movement ; embed ; particular social context ; delayed high-tech risk




45期(2002 / 03 / 01)


69 - 122






This article will comparatively analyze genetic risk discourse in Taiwan's and German media by virtue of historical events and contexts. Meanwhile, the author asks what is the reason that Taiwan's society is still lack of response to high-tech risk in comparative of global ongoing against-genetic risk movement. In typical local environment and consumer movement take the intellectual important role, especially the intellectual elite organized civil group are always the actor, for example in case of against nuclear high-tech risk or against smoking movement. Accordingly, the thesis is which systematic causes leads to practical gap of against genetic risk in local place, and in which particular social relationship and context it really embeds. Therefore, it reflects the theoretical explanation effect and gap of western theory of risk society. Actually, according to the comparative reflective thinking about theoretical and practical gap of local risk movement, we can deeply realize the very complexity of genetic risk causes more serious risks in the delayed advanced country.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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