


Is Sex Work Really "Work"?-Marx's Theory of Commodity and the Social Constructionism of Sex Work




甯應斌(Yin-Bin Ning)


性工作 ; 馬克思 ; 佩特曼 ; 商品 ; 性的社會建構論 ; 知識/權力 ; 婚姻中的賣淫 ; Sex Work ; Marx ; Carole Pateman ; Commodity ; Social Constructionism of Sexuality ; Knowledge/Power ; Prostitution in Marriage




46期(2002 / 06 / 01)


87 - 139




「性工作是否為『工作』?」這個有點無謂的問題,可以被改問成「為什麼一個活動會被視為性工作?」-我將從「性工作的社會建構論」來回答。這個問題又牽涉到另一個更基本的問題:「為什麼一個活動會被視為工作(即,可以成為商品性質的服務工作)?」-我將從「馬克思的商品論」來回答(馬克思商品論則是一種廣泛的「商品工作的社會建構論」)。 常識的本質論觀點認為「性工作有不同於其他工作的獨特性質」,但是馬克思的商品論顯示,性工作具有商品勞務交換性質的原因,和性工作本身的勞動形態與獨特性質或特徵,根本就不相干。性工作的社會建構論(延伸自同志研究的性的社會建構論),則進一步說明,性工作是在一連串的知識/權力操作下被建構成「獨特的」工作。 本文最後從性工作的社會建構論角度來駁斥某些女性主義的反倡說法,並提出[婚姻中的賣淫」來解構主流的性工作建構。


Is Sex Work really ”Work”? A somewhat rhetorical inquiry may be reformulated as: What is the distinct and essential nature of sex work that distinguishes it from other kinds of so-called ”real” work? These questions are shown to be totally misguided in the present paper through first attempting, in an analytical philosophy approach, to establish some criteria to capture the distinct essence of sex work, and then demonstrating counterexamples that reveal the socially constructed nature of sex work. The thesis of social constructionism of sexuality or homosexuality is shown to be valid when extended to sex work. The identity and identifying characteristics of sex work are shown to be constructed within a constellation of knowledge/power. Such a line of argument is strengthened by Marx's theory of commodity, which is interpreted as a wider version of social constructionism of commodity/service work in the present paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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