


Seeing Double, or Domestic and Sex Work in the Shade of the Bondmaid-concubine




丁乃非(Nai-Fei Ding);金宜蓁(Oona Jin)


性工作 ; 家務工作 ; 卑賤性 ; 女性化 ; 女性主義 ; 疊影 ; sex work ; domestic work ; base femininities ; feminisms ; doubles




48期(2002 / 12 / 01)


135 - 168






This paper begins with one question that has recurred in the process of the sex workers' movement of Taipei from 1997-1999 and another question concerning migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong. One way toward understanding these knotted questions of agency, individuality and moral choice put to sex workers by feminists and domestic workers by female employers is to critically juxtapose social historical and anthropological studies of the figure of the bondmaid-concubine with fictional representations of her travails as she takes the difficult road into late twentieth century domestic and/or sex work. And to begin to trace the shadow of base personhood and projected shame haloing this figure in both contemporary social science studies of domestic and sex work as well as concurrent fictional imaginaries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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