


Migrant Workers in Taipei: Biased Central State Policy and Alternative Administration Strategy of Local State




龔尤倩(Lorna Kung)


外籍勞工 ; 家庭監護工 ; 家庭幫傭 ; 邊緣化 ; 污名化 ; 行動研究 ; 行政實驗 ; 外勞文化政策 ; 在地化 ; 置身涉入 ; migrant workers ; caretaker ; domestic helper ; marginalization ; stigmatization ; action research ; administration experiment ; cultural policy on migrant workers ; localization ; engagement




48期(2002 / 12 / 01)


235 - 285




外藉勞工這一群來自東南亞國家,因為經濟弱勢而飄洋過海出賣廉價勞動力,在台灣勞動市場中墊底、在社會對待上被邊緣化、污名化。筆者從基層勞工運動出發,在外勞的組織工作中經驗了不同的社會位置,由中壢希望職工中心的救火隊式協助,到三年前進入了臺北市政府操作國家機器的外勞行政者,筆者透過過往運動累積的經驗,以「行動研究」(Action research)作為一個行政實驗的方法,利用行政部門的資源,發展出一連串包括了服務與文化活動的行動方案。 這一篇報告,將初步呈現筆者的行動實踐思考過程與工作歷程。筆者以清楚的階級立場批判外勞問題叢結結構,並透過行政部門的人力資源,瞭解外勞與雇主複雜的生存困境,設計創造外勞新認識論的社會目標,藉以改變外勞的社會地位與勞動處境的行動方案。對於外籍勞工從參與行動方案中的作用與再行動改變的資料,將是筆者繼續進行的行動研究。


To these days, there are more than three hundred thousands' migrant workers in Taiwan, most of them coming from the neighboring South Eastern Asian countries. Coming of a relatively lower economic background, they are compelled to sell their cheap labor forces in this country. For this reason, they are also forced to live on the margin of our society, and are often stigmatized. My position as a labor activist in the past years has given me various opportunity to approach the issue of migrant workers in Taiwan, and to organize them in various levels. In this paper, I will give a brief account of my efforts and transition in these different organizations, starting from the Hope Workers Center at Chung Li, a non-governmental organization, to the Foreigner Worker Counseling Center, within the framework of Taipei City Government. I will also give accounts to what I shall describe as the ”Action Research”, an approach that has continued to guide me in these years, helping me to promote the migrant workers' rights through various cultural practices and policy making. Finally, I will describe how the migrants' continuing participation and their response to these measures is immanent to the migrant worker's movement itself, and need to be closely To make this report, I have thought and realized the work we do is just a start and it is a process. I am very clear about the rank, positions and structural problems, the complicated situation of migrant workers and their employers, desire to bring about a new and better understanding of migrants' society and thus transform the position and work situation, studied.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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