


Thesis on Broadcast Media Ownership Re-Regulation




羅世宏(Shih-Hung Lo)


民主落差 ; 再管制 ; 解除管制 ; 媒體公民在地行動 ; 媒體產權 ; 媒體資訊透明制度 ; democratic divide ; re-regulation ; deregulation ; media citizen activism ; media ownership ; media transparency




50期(2003 / 06 / 01)


1 - 48






In the name of communications regulatory reform, the American and British governments have in recent years furthered as deregulatory as possible their media policy agenda. Media ownership rules are being radically revised to the benefit of private corporate capital while the public spectrum is being transferred to the private hands. The present paper reflects upon these deregulatory policies and their global and local repercussions. The deregulatory trends of liberalization and privatization, along with popular discourses of 'global competitiveness' and 'technological convergence', have strengthened the power of media conglomerates in making 'profits' as well as 'politics' at the expense of the public interest. Despite the weakness traditionally associate-ed with the regulatory means, this paper suggests some effective ways for re-regulating media ownership in Taiwan, namely: (1) to strengthen the role of the public service and/or non-Profit media; (2) to bridge the democratic divide in the media policy process; (3) to institutionalize media transparency, and (4) to engage media/public intellectuals with citizen activism in reclaiming the media.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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