


Between Care and Control: Discursive Practices of Case Management in Social Work




王增勇(Frank T. Y. Wang)


個案管理 ; 論述分析 ; 社會工作 ; Case management ; Discourse analysis ; social work




51期(2003 / 09 / 01)


143 - 183






This paper critically examines the discursive practices of case management from the Foucaultian perspective. As a model for social work practices, case management contains the paradox of care and social control. The import and rise of case management is supported by the conservative nature of case management as an option for reform, colonial character of social work profession, the needs for management by the privatization of social welfare services and the pursuit for professional status. The ethnographic data will demonstrate how case management discourse constitutes social workers' professional self, the tool for social control, and the object for regulatory power. The paper concludes that the usage of case management fails to make structural problems faced by social workers visible but rather individualized. Its effect is that social work profession moves further away from its commitment to disadvantaged people.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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