


The Transformation of Social Forces: Organizational Techniques in Taiwan's Environmental Protests




李丁讚(Ding-Tzan Lii);林文源(Wen-Yuan Lin)


社會力 ; 傅科 ; 組織技術 ; 身體 ; 社會運動 ; 環保抗爭 ; 行動者 ; 施爲能力 ; social force ; Foucault ; organizational ; technique ; body ; social movement ; environmental protest ; actor ; agency




52期(2003 / 12 / 01)


57 - 119






Since the 1980s, social movements in Taiwan had surged with full force. However, the forms of social protests had changed greatly. In the early 80s, the protests mostly were carried out with body-in-anger, and were violent in character. Toward the end of the 80s, demonstration emerged as the major forms of social protests. After 1993 of so, lobbying and persuasion came to replace demonstration as the most-used techniques in social protests. As they proceeded, social protests had gradually become less violent. Taking environmental protests as an example, this paper attempts to explore this process of transformation by using Foucault's concepts of governmentality and technique. It's argued that, while the creation of environmental techniques, the body-in-protest was gradually habituated, and was disciplined as a result. The concept of social force and its ethical implication was discussed. The relationship among actors, agency and structure is also elaborated on.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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