


The Production of Urban Spaces: Shanghai as a Global City in the Making




黃宗儀(Michelle Tsung-Yi Huang)


全球化 ; 上海 ; 全球城市 ; globalization ; shanghai ; global city




53期(2004 / 03 / 01)


61 - 83




今日的全球城市上海,一如它傲人的浦東新區所示,是一個全球化的展示橱窗,是勒斐伏爾(Lefebvre)所謂的「紀念性空間」(monumental space),亦是當前全球城市都市中心的地標。這樣的新紀念性空間(new monumental ity)雄偉耀眼的外貌,凸顯國際資本的迅速集中,卻同時隱藏了國際資本透過紀念性建築得以快速地排擠替換當地人民的生活空間的事實。 本文試圖以上海為例,討論浦東特區如何致力成為全球金融中心的都市發展過程,闡明全球化如何產生新的都市空間,以利資本流動。我將論證當代的全球城市是上海都市改建依從的模範,隨著浦東的重建,上海是個正在成形的全球城市。在上海全球化的過程中,我們不難發現在其他全球城市中觀察到的一個二元化的傾向,即是迎合資本流通所產生的城市空間一方面讓專業人士享有越來越多的權益,另一方面一般人民的日常生活空間卻一再被忽視。換句話說,當上海被各方人士稱頌為與倫敦、紐約、東京或香港並駕齊驅的全球城市時,被避重就輕的是全球化導致的種種社會衝突。


This paper attempts to elucidate how Shanghai's rise as a global city in the 1990s brings to light the production of such a global space and its problems. After China's open policy in 1978, with its glamorous past as a cosmopolitan city in the 1920s and 1930s, Shanghai emerged on the map of the nation and the world as the most promising member of the global club. Exploring the urban discourse and the actual development of Shanghai's transformation into a global city, I argue that Shanghai is made in the image of existing global cities such as New York, London, Tokyo and Singapore. The logic is that the built environment and the social structures of Shanghai have to be rebuilt before it can work as one of the centers of the global economy. We might say that Shanghai was not born as a global city as many claim with the city's cosmopolitan past as an evidence, but becomes one because of the ambition to attract capital flows. The process of remaking Shanghai into a global city shows how the capitalist space takes precedence and subjugates the lived space of local people's everyday life. Moreover, the uneven development as seen in other global cities cannot be overlooked in Shanghai's case: the rise of the new elite class including expatriates and local ”successful people” parallels the marginalized ”blind flow” of migrant workers flowing in from neighboring provinces. While copying the image of a global city as a success story to pass on, the urban planners or government officials downplay the dual city problem as we saw in those ”role-models.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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