


Why Weisheng Is Not about Guarding Life? Alternative Conceptions of Hygiene, Self, and Illness in the Republican China




雷祥麟(Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei)


衛生 ; 身體史 ; 肺癆 ; 中醫 ; Hygiene ; History of Body ; TB ; Chinese Medicine




54期(2004 / 06 / 01)


17 - 59






While Hygiene was translated into Chinese as Weisheng, (literally meaning ”guarding life”) during the Republican China, there existed an alternative discourse of Weisheng which was distinctively different from hygiene imported from the West. From the viewpoint of the advocates of public health in China, this popular discourse of Weisheng was no less than an abuse or a hijack of the Modernist idea of hygiene. As the result, they saw no value of this popular discourse except for hindering the progress of the real public heath enterprise in China. This paper takes seriously this discourse and practice of ”guarding life” and investigates how this alternative discourse took shape through a mutual definition between Western hygiene and traditional Chinese practice. The question is this: since this alternative hygiene was not about defending the body but rather about guarding life, how did it shape and reflect the new understanding, value, and comprehension of ”life,” including the body, the psyche, thoughts, emotion, desire, and the life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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