


The Sexual Politics of Foreign Capital: Exchange Relation between Taiwanese Capital and Local Women in Vietnam




龔宜君(I-Chun Kung)


跨國資本 ; 性別政治 ; 商品化婚姻 ; 勞動控制 ; foreign capital ; sexual politics ; commercialization of marriage ; labor control




55期(2004 / 09 / 01)


101 - 140






The paper discusses sexual politics of Taiwanese business operating in Vietnam. Both transnational relocation of capital and the employment of workers with different ethnic background are new experiences for Taiwanese business operators. Taiwanese did not anticipate the complexities associated with the Vietnam business environment. As a result, Taiwanese firms in Vietnam rely heavily on Vietnamese women for their capital accumulation. In order to entry local market which Vietnamese government does not open to foreign capital, SMEs Taiwanese entrepreneurs instead married or mistressed Vietnamese women as business fake owners. Some big Taiwanese labor-intense firms with despotic labor regime background have to overwhelming employ female workers for the purpose of production. To survive and expand, the Taiwanese entrepreneurs exploit sexual inequality of Vietnamese society. As a whole, this paper explores the sexual mechanisms used by Taiwanese business operators to create a profitable production regime in Vietnam.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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