


Sex Work and Modernity (Second Essay): A Goffmanian Interpretive Analysis




甯應斌(Yin-Bin Ning)


性工作 ; 高夫曼 ; 自我呈現 ; 匿名 ; 心理論述 ; 互動 ; 凝視 ; 角色 ; 例行化 ; 監視 ; 表演 ; 貶低 ; 文明有序 ; 現代組織的管理規訓技術 ; 規訓顧客 ; Sex work ; Goffman ; Self-presentation ; Anonymity ; Psychological discourse ; Interaction ; Gaze ; Roles ; Routine ; Surveillance ; Performance ; Derogation ; Civility ; Technologies of management and discipline of modern org




55期(2004 / 09 / 01)


141 - 224






This long essay conducts a Goffmanian interpretive analysis of many aspects of the phenomena and interactions in sex work, often misconstrued by the received interpretation as the expressions of victimization, alienation or immorality inherent in the sex work, which are now reinterpreted basically as sex workers' effort to maintain the boundary of the self and the routine of work. Under this light, the seemingly uncommon doings of sex workers are nothing but usual techniques in interpersonal interaction or self-presentation, and methods widely employed by modern organization in management and disciplining. This Goffmanian interpretive analysis locates the problematic of sex work at the heart of contemporary critical social theory, focusing on such issues as labor process, public/private sphere, the rationalization of modern organization, modern self, discipline and surveillance, and so on.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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