In confronting the long lasting impacts of ”leaving Asia for America” (tuo-ya ru-mei) in the Post World War II Taiwan, this essay puts forward ”Asia as method” as a critical proposition to transform the existing knowledge structure and to transform ourselves. Its bottom line implication is that, mediating through the horizon of ”Asia” as an imaginary anchoring point, societies in Asia could begin to mutually see the existence of one another and become one another's reference points, so that the understanding of the self can he transformed, anti subjectivity rebuilt. On this basis, to push one step further, historical experiences and practices in Asia can he developed as an alternative horizon or perspective, and seen as method to advance a different understanding of world history.
The argument must be placed in the context of a new global order after the 911 Incident. Various regional mechanisms have gradually emerged to counter US imperialism and global hegemony. In this process, the integration of Asia remains slow and informal. ”Asia as method” is then a call for regional integration in Asia as a necessary mechanism to maintain global peace.
The paper is organized in the form of a series of dialogues. The first part deals with the question of the 'West', as it is rehearsed again in the postcolonial discursive strategies. Here, the essay confronts the historical question of the West and to pinpoint understandable but unnecessary obsession with the question of the west, and then point towards the imaginary Asia as a possibility to shift its referent point. In the second part, the essay tries to demonstrate what can be gained from this shift by engaging dialogue with Partha Chatterjee's recent proposed theory of 'political society', with reference to practices emerging in India, in that the analytical notion of 'min-jian', which was a ”pre-modern” term and is still operating in the mandarin Chinese speaking places, was rediscovered as a contemporary living space, intersecting but somehow excluded by the imposed concept of 'civil society'. By analyzing how civil society has been ”translated” as min-jian society, it argues that ”translation” provides a means to conduct the re-investigation so that the organic shape and characteristics of local society and modernity can begin to emerge. The third part comes to the theoretical formulation of 'Asia as method', through dialogue with Misogugi Yozo's ”China as method”, by focusing on his historical-ontological claim of a theory of 'base-entity' (ji-ti), which is closer to my own earlier attempt to work and rework a 'geo-colonial historical materialism', in that we argue the necessity to capture the constantly changing base-entity, through which different base-entity in different locales in Asia could become the referent point of each other and become part of each other's subjectivity, so that the 'self' can be transformed. Therefore, 'Asia as method' ceases to look at Asia as object of analysis, but actually means medium to transform knowledge production, and the driving force of the rediscover and transforming of the self. The conclusion section comes back to the ”leaving Asia for America” problematic and teases out the implication of Asia as method for ”Taiwan” to reposition itself so as to reconstitute a critical subjectivity. It argues that Cross-Strait relation, Chinese International and Asia Regional are in fact the trajectories and routes of globalization, and Taiwan has to self-consciously place itself within these network of relations as its own self-positioning.
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陳光興(2000)。Partha Chatterjee講座發現政冶社會:現代性、國家暴力與後殖民民主。台北:巨流。