


Tropical Acclimatization、Japanese Imperial Medicine and Racial Discourses in Colony




範燕秋(Yen-Chiou Fann)


熱帶風土馴化 ; 帝國醫學 ; 熱帶殖民地 ; 殖民醫學 ; 殖民地人種論 ; 灣生 ; tropical acclimatization ; imperial medicine ; tropical colony ; colonial medicine ; racial discourses ; Wan-Sen




57期(2005 / 03 / 01)


87 - 138




本文是有關殖民醫學的重要議題,主要探討十九世紀末、日本作為晚進的帝國主義國家,如何引介歐洲國家熱帶殖民經驗之中的「熱帶風土化」概念,以維護殖民者熱帶移住的健康,並運用相異的人種論述,強調優於歐洲國家的熱帶殖民能力。本文將「熱帶風土馴化」概念視為殖民者理解與控制殖民地的統治技術,它的功能一方面在界定、論述「異己」,另一方面在強化殖民者自我認同與殖民競爭力。 本文也指出:在台日人的「熱帶風土馴化」,歷經階段性的變化。日治初期,日人主要在調查、闡明台灣風土特性,並以駐台日軍為其主要的監測群體;同時,基於熱帶醫學的發展,所謂「風土」被區別為氣候與傳染病因素,並著重傳染病控制,使日人有效掌握風土馴化問題。1910年代以降,總督府轉而以在台日人子弟之發育概況為監測重點,並藉由學生身體檢查,強化科學的、數量的身體管理,證實「灣生」日本人的體格,是一種適應熱帶風土的發育類型。而且從「灣生」人數的穩定成長,顯示日本人熱帶風土馴化的進展。 本文的結論指出:19世紀以來,歐洲白人認為熱帶地區絕非其移住之地,若移住時間較長,將導致其人種的退化;相較而言,總督府宣示、證實在台日人風土馴化的成效,展現與歐洲人有別的熱帶殖民競爭力。而日本人之能展現熱帶風土馴化的成效,主要是憑藉熱帶醫學、熱帶衛生措施,以及日本人種混合論。


This article discusses an important subject about colonial medicine. That is to analyze a later developing imperialistic country-Japan in the last period of 19(superscript th) century how to introduce the experience of the European tropical acclimatization to protect the emigrants Japanese health, and how to apply the different racial discourses to accentuate the ability of Japanese tropical colonization superior than the European. This paper point out the concept of tropical acclimatization was a kind of governmental technology to understand and control the colony. Its function of this concept was not only to define and discourse colonized the other, but also to consolidate self-identification of the colonizer and stimulate the colonial competition. This paper also analyzes the tropical acclimatization of Japanese in Taiwan underwent some different stages. In the early period under Japanese Rule, Colonial Government paid attention to investigate or articulate the characteristic of Taiwan's environment. And in order to monitor the conditions of Japanese acclimatization, Colonial Government took great concern with the health condition of Japanese army. In the meantime, depending on the development of tropical medicine, the environment was to be separated into two factors, climate and diseases. And because Colonial Government concentrated on controlling the diseases, effectively improve the problem of acclimatization. After 1910s, Colonial Government turned to discipline the healthy practices of Japanese teenager who because of born at Taiwan, was called ”Wan-Sen”. Colonial Government applied the healthy investigation of the body at school to manipulate scientific and mathematic management of the body, and in the long run, demonstrated the constitutions of Wan-Sen to become acclimatizing tropical environment. From the stead growing of Wan-Sen's population displayed the accomplishment of Japanese tropical acclimatization. In conclusion, this paper points out, from 19(superscript th) century, Europeans were afraid to immigrating to the tropics. They thought if staying there longer, there were probable to induce the degeneration of the race. Comparatively, Japanese in Taiwan announced and demonstrated the efficiency of tropical acclimatization, displayed their ability of colonial competition very differently. The efficiency of Japanese tropical acclimatization mainly depended on tropical medicine, measurements of tropical hygiene, and discourses of mixed race.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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