


Place Images, Locality Meanings, and Regimes of Representation




王志弘(Chih-Hung Wang)


再現體制 ; 地方意象 ; 地域意義 ; 台北 ; 文山 ; regime of representation ; locality meaning ; place images ; Taipei ; Wenshan




58期(2005 / 06 / 01)


135 - 188






Place image and locality meanings are not naturally given, but embedded in complex social relationships and processes (social formation) inside and beyond locality. These images and meanings are products of specific local process, but act as the framework for recognizing and imagining local development at the same time. More specifically, local images and meanings are produced and diffused in and through regimes of representation, and in their turn mediate the local development and the shaping of local consciousness. The author chose Wenshan District of Taipei City as an example, using materials from real-estate advertisements, elemental school local cultural curricula, government reports and pamphlets, and community college courses and publications, to illustrate how different mechanisms produce and diffuse specific local images according to their respective social positions. The main theoretical argument is that the social process of local development can not be understand without consideration of local images and local meanings shaping, and local meaning shaping is a contesting field of historical local development projects.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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