


Household Registration, Social-Welfare Resources, and Border Control: A Case Study of Regulating Mainland Spouses in Taiwan




趙彥寧(Antonia Chao)


國境管理 ; 大陸配偶 ; 種族歧視 ; 社福資源 ; 戶籍制度 ; Border Control ; Mainland Spouses ; Racism ; Social-Welfare Resources ; Housebold Registration




59期(2005 / 09 / 01)


43 - 90






Taiwan's border-control mechanism, as represented by the Council of Immigration, has been particularly discriminating against Mainland Spouses in a patronizing fashion. These people have been normally understood as heartless usurpers of Taiwan's social-welfare resources through the seemingly legal means of transnational marriage. In addition, they are conceptualized by the mechanism of border control to be innate with features of socio-cultural inferiority naturally produced by China, a country thought to be both economically and culturally behind Taiwan. Through the case study of Mainland Spouses, this paper attempts to analyze the relationship between border control, capitalist social-welfare system, and racism against immigrants from China. Based on analysis of legal codes and in-depth interviews of agents of border control, it points out the crucial significance of the system of household-registration-a system that reinforced the legitimacy of the State during the Martial-Law era before the year of 1987, and the one that has been deepening class divisions as the primal basis of distributing social-welfare resources thereafter.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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