


Gender, Oyster and Economic Change: The Transformation of Work Identity of Women in Tung-Shin




林雅容(Ya-Jung Lin)


經濟變動 ; 工作認同 ; 性別勞務分工 ; economic change ; work identity ; sexual division of labor




60期(2005 / 12 / 01)


1 - 34




本文以嘉義縣東石鄉東石漁村為研究場域,採用質性研究之女性主義民族誌,探討婦女對於工作所產生之認同為何。具體地說,所欲回答的問題是,當經濟變動改變了產業發展,進而使兩性之勞動參與情況發生轉變,婦女如何自勞動過程中重塑出自我勞動參與的重要性?本文是透過在地女性之觀點,呈現婦女所形塑出之工作認同;在資料分析上,是以交換理論為架構。本文發現,婦女對於工作之認同是建立在三個層面,分別為:「女性化」的勞動價值、他者的勞動價值,以及「家務勞動互助化」的勞動共識。 首先,「女性化」的勞動價值使得漁村勞動市場之性別互動產生主從關係的交換,當「女性的」工作具「女性化」勞動價值時,將使女性勞動力自邊緣勞動位階轉變為主要勞動位置,婦女因而握有排除外來者的權力。 其次,婦女是以個人過往之工作經驗評論同為剖蚵者的勞動價值,從中所呈現的是「資源―位階」間的交換。婦女以正式部門之工作經驗討論漁村勞動市場之工作時,凸顯出漁村工作之不重要、落後的特質,此也使得漁村婦女面對其他勞動者時,多持負面評價,特別是在婦女們背負養家重擔之際。 最末,「家務勞動互助化」的勞動共識所呈現的是,婦女雖是積極地投入漁村工作,但是她們為避免自我在勞動市場的參與會對家庭照顧造成負面影響,所做的調整是,取得彼此間的互助、支持以換取家庭照顧工作的協助。


This study applied feminist ethnography to understand the work identity of women in the fishing process under the economic change. The Fishing community, Tung-shin, a more traditional remote fishing community from Chia-Yi County, is selected for this study. The results show that the work identity of female breadwinners in this fishing community is credited to three factors, including: (1) Womanizing labor value from the labor regime. Because of the significant sexual division in the labor regime, the contributions of women have always been devalued. Female labors approve themselves by womanizing labor value. (2) Slowing the gender-order rearrangement in the labor market. Women's works have become more and more important in the decline of economic development. In order to protecting their working opportunities, women does not confirm the labor value of male labors, especially whom are unemployed. (3) Restructuring the labor consensus of housework cooperation from the group-based work. Based on voluntary servitude in the group-based work, women restructuring their labor consensus for sharing the burdens of housework to each other.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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