Taiwan, one of the best performers among latecomers in the postwar period, has successfully industrialized, but is yet to close the technological gap with the West. This paper extends the second-mover theory in Amsden and Chu (2003) to discuss how the second-movers can continue to upgrade once the growth of subcontracting opportunities slowed in mature high-tech. Judging from the progress made so far, it is found that, except some firms which committed to the branding strategy early, Penrose's resource-based approach to business strategy can explain most second movers' behavior. Having accumulated capabilities in production and project execution, the second mover's strategy of choice will be in upgrading subcontracting, cross-industry subcontracting, and then own-brand-manufacturing, and in that order. Some external conditions, including government policy, growth potential for subcontracting, and industry characteristics, may also influence the firm's strategy choice.
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