


Transnational Labor Migration System between Vietnam and Taiwan: In Whose Interests?




王宏仁(Hong-Zen Wang);白朗潔(Baniele Belanger)


制度論 ; 移工 ; 仲介 ; 臺灣 ; 越南 ; Institution ; migrant worker ; placement agency ; Taiwan ; Viet Nam




65期(2007 / 03 / 01)


35 - 66






In this paper we argue that the common discourse on labor export as a kind of economic development policy to raise poor people's social welfare is doubtful. The question we raise is ”who benefits from this labor export”. Through the analysis of Taiwan-Vietnam labor migration, we document how most surpluses produced by these migrant workers are appropriated by elites in the two countries. All activities involved in the migratory process are profit-oriented. This highly commercialized international labor market, constructed by numerous intermediary agents scattered in both countries, set in the institutional context of Taiwan government's guestworker scheme and employer-bonded regulation, creates the bonded migrant workers in the bottom of a transnational social hierarchy. Based on extensive fieldwork in Vietnam and Taiwan, this paper offers a detailed example of the context and problems with the international market of migrant workers within Asia.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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