


Masculinity Formation on Prison Culture-A Case Study in a Taiwanese Prison




許華孚(Hua-Fu Hsu);鄭瑞隆(Jui-Lung Cheng)


男性氣概 ; 男性監獄 ; 監獄次文化 ; 監獄管理 ; 性行為 ; Masculinity ; Male Prison ; Prison Culture ; Prison Management ; Sexuality




67期(2007 / 09 / 01)


153 - 192




性別研究上的男性氣概,指的是典型的男性特質與人格表現,當在瞭解男性監獄中的生活經驗時,提供了一個非常有用的分析架構,因為在監獄組織中的社會秩序,不僅是透過組織中的法令規章,同時也透過「男性性別論述」來維持,這個男性性別論述不僅擁有文化與意識型態的價值,更是社會文化建構出來的性別圖像。 在全控的監獄機構裡,男性治理男性的監獄中,管理人員對受刑人的管教上及受刑人間的日常生活互動上,可以明顯觀察出男性主義中的男性氣概(Masculinity)現象普遍存在。這種論述自然地以要求男性中心主義的機制為主流,所呈現的現象則是要成為一個男子漢、不能軟弱、不許有同情心、不能輕易表達感情,甚至監獄內的暴力和受刑人間的極端化地位階級(上層以強盜犯為主,下層以強姦犯為主),以及監獄內的同性性行為,皆可歸因於這種結構化男性主義的宰制。而這些現象的發生應非偶發事件,而是一種男性氣概型塑下的監獄文化。 本研究旨在以社會學的角度分析男性監禁的經驗,透過質性分析的方法去探究男性監禁的經驗是如何被建構,以及在監獄管理運作當中一直為人所忽略的準性別議題。本研究發現,男性監獄是一個被霸權的男性氣概(hegemonic masculinity)所宰制的社會,男性受刑人與管理人員在他們日常生活中的互動方式與行為態度上,持續地呈現出男性氣概論述所投射出來的性別認同與角色期待。男性氣概是解構監獄管理方式及監獄文化的一個強而有力的文化論述,對於反思監獄管理現況及提升人道矯正制度,具有不容忽視的影響作用。


A remarkable feature of the sociology of imprisonment and criminology that needs to be addressed is gender issue. The impact of gender on men has always been neglected. The experience of men in prison has traditionally been tied to the understanding of the hierarchical arrangements of the organization. A significant new dimension to sociological theory is to examine the dialectical relationship between gender and power in social institutions. Gender theories regard gender identity as the sense of self associated with socially structured definitions. A prison culture of masculinity shapes the prison macho-boys don't cry. The prison macho is a real man who always hides his feelings and performs like a tough guy. These characteristics are much different from what happens in everyday life in general social spheres, where human beings need to be loved, need concerns and compassion from love ones and others and express these to others as well. In this study, there is a recognition of a multiplicity of masculinities and an emphasis on how qualitative research, this paper analyzes the patterns of masculinity embedded in the daily code of conducts used by prison staff to deal with prisoners and by prisoners to interact with other inmates and to constitute their subculture. The investigation of prison sociology in the constitution of masculinity discourses in a prison at southern Taiwan contributes to both gender studies and to the literature exploring differences between western and eastern perspectives and policies related to incarceration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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