This paper inquiries the role and challenge of the ”Philosophy of Science” (PS) in the face of contemporary STS. It also tries to respond to the macroscopic articles on STS published in a special issue, the ”Technology and Society,” of this journal (TRQSS, No. 45, 2002); they are Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei's ”Techno-science, Democracy and Society in Transformation: Challenges for STS” and Hsin-Hsing Chen's ”Superstitions, Imposture, Misunderstandings and Debates in the Science Wars”. The Editor's Report in No. 45 contributed four pages to introduce and comment them. It concluded that both of the authors had eliminated the priority of Science Wars as an academic debate in terms of very different reasons; it claimed that both authors thought that the debate on realism and constructivism, which is a typical one in PS, had been no longer worthy of discussion.
Debates in PS, however, do not always occur within the philosophical academia. On the contrary, they happen more frequently among scientific fields. As a matter of fact, the Science Wars is a large-scale philosophical debate resulted from the attack of natural scientists on STS, a new born scientific discipline. Why do philosophical debates happen more frequently among different fields of science? The fact implies that philosophical debates are essential important to the scientific development.
In this paper, I shall argue, from the view of PS, that philosophical debates play a significant role even in the normal development of STS. Second, an old philosophical issue, the relationship between fact and value, will be examined. Lastly, I'll outline a newly social status of PS in Science, Technology and Society.
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At the Conference "World and Konwledge"
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