


The Economy of Magical Power: A New Perspective for the Analysis of Folk Religion




陳緯華(Wei-Hua Chen)


民間信仰 ; 世俗化 ; 現代性 ; 靈力經濟 ; 婉飾 ; folk religion ; secularization ; modernity ; the economy of magical power ; euphemism




69期(2008 / 03 / 01)


57 - 106






Because of the impact of secularization, new phenomenon such as ”marketization of religion”, ”crisis of the authenticity of magical power”, and ”making temple activities into cultural festival” came into existing among Taiwan's folk religion. On the practical side, this new phenomenon gave temples and believers an inevitable problem: ”temple management”. On the theoretical side, they reconfigure the role of folk religion in social integration and make ”the governmentality of religion” a significant factor for the development of the folk religion. These are challenges for established theories on Taiwan's folk religion. This article proposes ”the economy of magical power” as a new perspective to face these challenges. It regards folk religion as an field of exchange and analyzes its logic. This article points out, the magical power of gods needs to be produced by people. It is a process of mobilization of resource as the consequence of the management of social relations. Via the concept of ”the production of magical power”, we can take the social integration as the process and result of the mobilization of resource. And the change of the mode of the production of magical power is the refiection of the change of the form of social relation. In the other hand, the analysis of the economy of the magical power reveals the cultural logics on which the various technics of the governmentality of religion are based. This makes us be able to discuss to the problem of religious governmentality on the ground of local knowledge. This article points out, because the measurement of the magnitude of magical power is of social and public, the estimation of whether a god is ”ling” (efficacious) or not gets an objective ground-the accumulation of money and worshipers. And therefore, the production of the magical power is possible. There are two characteristics of the economy of magical power. The first is ”consuming is producing”. The second is that ”euphemism” is necessary for the operation of the economy of magical power.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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