


The Politics of Spatial Planning: Reflections on the Pro-urbanization Strategy of the Pearl River Delta, China




柏蘭芝(Lan-Chih Po)


城市化 ; 現代化 ; 珠江三角洲珠三角 ; 廣東 ; 規劃 ; 區域 ; 政治 ; urbanization ; modernization ; Pearl River Delta PRD ; Guangdong Province ; planning ; region ; politics




70期(2008 / 06 / 01)


121 - 164






This paper is a political economic analysis of the Pearl River Delta's urbanization strategy for the 21st Century. The PRD, as the frontier of China's opening and reforms, has experienced rapid rural industrialization in the past two decades. The decentralized development of towns and villages in the PRD, although full of dynamism, also creates serious social and economic problems. The development model of the PRD has been challenged in increasingly fierce regional competition since the mid-1990s. Entering into the new millennium, the PRD has proposed an urbanization strategy to improve the investment environment and promote regional redevelopment. The Guangdong Provincial government has been aggressive in forging pro-urbanization policies, enhancing regional integration, and promoting reforms of the land system and rural collectives to facilitate urbanization. This paper begins by pointing out certain crucial changes in the discourse of modernization and urbanization in China. Through a political economic analysis of the PRD's urbanization policies and its decision-making and implementation process, this paper goes on to demonstrate the political and ideological function of spatial planning and regional integration in the PRD and beyond. Finally, this paper questions the conceptualization of these spatial strategies: strategies which from the very start exclude from consideration the millions of migrant workers, or 'floating populations' inhabiting the region.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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