


Street Graffiti Culture in Taiwan




畢恆(Herng-Dar Bih);郭一勤(I-Chin Kuo);夏瑞媛(Jui-Yuan Hsia)


街頭塗鴉 ; 嘻哈文化 ; 都市空間 ; 抵抗 ; street graffiti ; hip-hop culture ; urban space ; resistance




70期(2008 / 06 / 01)


79 - 120




從廁所的情色塗鴉、風景區的到此一遊塗鴉、公車上的青少年立可白塗鴉,到變電箱上的簽名塗鴉,無論就出现地點、形式、内容而言,塗鴉都非常多樣,如何有系統地加以分類,以易於掌握與分析,一直是塗鴉研究者面封的難题。 本文首先釐清塗鴉的基本形式,從歷史向度探討塗鴉發展的源流。由於塗鴉種類繁多,發展殊異,本研究只針對其中受到紐约地下鐵塗鴉風潮影響下的全球街頭塗鴉現象中的台灣街頭塗鴉,亦即有特定塗鴉社群、風格、規範,而在公共空間出現的街硕塗鴉進行分析。採用塗鴉者访談做為主要蒐集資料的方法,輔以文本蒐集與現場觀察,以理解在台灣特殊文化脈絡下,就社會層面而言,街頭塗鴉如何從國外引入;而就塗鴉者個人而言,如何走上塗鴉之路;接著讨論台灣街頭塗鴉的主要類型,彼此如何評價;台灣街頭塗鴉的特色,包括是否使用中文、以圖像取代簽名、街頭的意義等;最後總結台灣塗鴉者為何甘冒違法之險,持續走上街頭塗鴉。


Graffiti could be found in different spaces, like toilets, buses, parks, electric boxes, etc. The subjects of graffiti include romantic love, sex, names, politics, and humor. How to categorize graffiti with such complicated characteristics draws a lot of attention of researchers. In this paper, we first try to clarify the basic forms of graffiti and examine the developmental trends of graffiti from historical perspective. Since there are various kinds of graffiti with different developments, this paper only focuses on the street graffiti which belong to a global graffiti phenomenon and are influenced by New York subway graffiti movement. Based on interviews of graffiti writers and observation notes, we try to understand, in the specific Taiwanese culture, how street graffiti was introduced to Taiwan, how graffiti writers develop their career, the major types and characteristics of graffiti in Taiwan, and the meaning of writing on streets

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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